Knitter and New Mum

A keen knitter and stay at home mum of Keira my little angel. I spend my days looking after her, shopping for her, cleaning up after her and in between all of that knitting and cooking and looking after my lovely husband Justin.

Monday, September 25, 2006

flat out

phew still busy!!! enough time to take photos of keira of course and totally fallen behind in my soaps, no dr phil and don't know where the days go!

scarf for scarf swap is coming along nicely, ok I've only done 10 rows but lace knitting is hard....I accidentally let slip my name....apologised to my lovely partner and not posting what I'm doing.........but 1/2 the yarn still needs to be wound...oh well one day I'll find time.


  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger Terri said…

    She looks adorable!

  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Nora said…

    Oh Corrie, she looks prettier every time you post (and she's ALWAYS smiling). She could easily be the next Bonds baby. The little summer dress is too cute!!!

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger NattyChick said…

    Hey Corrie, was wondering where you had got to! You sound hugely busy but I know how that feels believe me. What size is the little munchkin in now?

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Sharon said…

    Oh she is so adorable. I read your previous post and you will never guess but on Sunday morning, we too were getting into the car to go to church (I'm not good, I am bad that is why I have to go he he) and someone had smashed the side mirror on my car!!!


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