Knitter and New Mum

A keen knitter and stay at home mum of Keira my little angel. I spend my days looking after her, shopping for her, cleaning up after her and in between all of that knitting and cooking and looking after my lovely husband Justin.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday to me.....31 candles

Well it was yesterday but I forgot to blog!!!!!! I also can't load photos on to my computer till I reload the software so you'll have to make do with a picture of the cardigan I'm knitting for one of keira's friends 1st birthday! it is soooo cute

We had a lovely day with a long breakie down at manly right down on the water, some shopping and some sewing and knitting! i finished 2 nappy bags and a beanie and hubby looked after keira all day! the night before had been a gorgeous wedding (photos I promise) so we were pooped!!!

I've been enjoying getting things done now that keira naps for at least 2 hours in the afternoon....mind you she is now eating a cruskit at 3pm and won't sleep right now so I've been speaking to soon!

We're trying for baby no. 2 and ran into our lovely OB down at breakie yesterday so hoping thats a sign from the universe that baby is coming soon into our lives!!! I just can't wait to see keira with a little brother or sister as she just loves other kids so much! I can wait for the extra nappies and lack of sleep and weight gain of course!

Oh and can you believe that keira is 9 months old today....where has the time gone....I'm only now getting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes and my old jeans are still a couple of kilo's away!

happy knitting


  • At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy birthday Corrie! Sounds like you had a lovely day :) That cardi is a cute one isn't it. And good luck with baby no. 2!

  • At 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy, happy birthday! It sounds like you had a good time.

    Good luck with Kiera's sibling. I hope it works out for you!

  • At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy (belated) Birthday Corrie. x

  • At 1:21 AM, Blogger Sue H said…

    Happy belated birthday. Glad you had such a lovely day.
    2 nappy bags and a beanie? In one day? My my you must be fast.


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