Knitter and New Mum

A keen knitter and stay at home mum of Keira my little angel. I spend my days looking after her, shopping for her, cleaning up after her and in between all of that knitting and cooking and looking after my lovely husband Justin.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

How did you spend new years eve?

I've been asked so many times how did I spend new years eve - sewing!!!!!!!!!!! I was very happy to have the time while hubby watched tv, had a beer and read the papers. this is what I made
but can you see my little mistake.....yep bottom left hand corner.....I'm such a novice I didn't check the material before I cut out and sewed the bag and lo and behold I start to sew the lining and realise the fabric has a flaw in it!!!!!

I've decided to add some cute sequins or something but I'm not happy! I bought the fabric from spotlight and think its very retro - the pattern is the Amy Butler diaper bag. I'm also finishing a 3 tiered skirt for keira today and hope to have that up tmrw!

In other matters hubby and I have decided to try for baby no. 2 - are we crazy or what! I think because keira is such an angel and it took us year to get pregnant! I'm very excited but hope I can keep the crafts up!!! I just bought the Jo Sharp knit 2 book (last one so I had to grab it) and hope I can make a couple of things. We also have 4 expectant mums in our midst so thats a great excuse to get knitting

oh and here is a bit of keira, she's really growing up isn't she


  • At 8:15 AM, Blogger Leah said…

    You've got some great stuff done! Well done & welcome to the sewing group!


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